At SSCCA we believe the foundation of all instruction is the truth as found in the Scriptures. Every school day at SSCCA begins in prayer and reflection with our entire school family. As instilling wisdom and virtue in our students is a primary goal at SSCCA, students are taught to love what is good. The absolute standards of truth, goodness, and beauty that God has revealed to us through His Word are the foundation upon which we build an SSCCA education. We believe children are remarkable beings created Imago Dei, or in the Image of God. As we are called to glorify God in all we do, we seek to honor Him at SSCCA by educating children in virtue and truth. This is why at SSCCA our curriculum is deliberately infused with and centered around the truths and instruction of Holy Scripture. It is a privilege to watch our students discover, through education, the knowledge and qualities useful to us, and pleasing to Our Heavenly Father. At SSCCA we are committed to fostering students who mature into wise and virtuous disciples of Christ.