On Friday, January 29th, SSCCA students and staff came together for a special chapel service dedicated to celebrating the sanctity of human life. SSCCA 8th grader, Jaedyn Packett, spoke on behalf of the student body as she shared her personal reflections about the sanctity of life. A brief message was also shared by St. Stephen’s Anglican Church pastor, Dr. Eric Jorgensen.
Take a minute to read Jaedyn’s reflections:
“The sanctity of life is extremely important because life is God’s creation. As human beings, we live to honor God, His creation, and to abide by His laws. By the conception of a child, a woman is bringing God’s most important creation into this world, thus honoring Him and having the opportunity to raise a Christian child. When creating a child, it is the only time humans take part in an act of God’s creation, and if the parents choose to abort this child, they are rejecting participation in the most beautiful act of creation ever known. If a person does not have life, there is nothing for them to have.
Despite what many might think, being pro-life is not “one dimensional”. It is not limited to being anti-abortion but is the support of life until the final breath. Thus, the term “pro-life” extends itself to multiple other things relating to preserving life. This includes suicide prevention, working in assisted living facilities, being a doctor or nurse, and even donating to research facilities for chronic illnesses. Pro-life is often stereotyped to be just anti-abortion, but it is crucial that we recognize how much else it includes.
I appreciate the opportunity to speak publicly about this matter. I have done many speeches here at SSCCA, as have most of you, and from this we have received training in how to speak out for the preservation of life. The world has become so corrupt that many see no issue with abortion, but those of us who know God should do our best to educate people on the matter. As I look toward high school, I desire to be part of the Guardians of Life club at Mount de Sales. This will give me an opportunity to learn more about pro-life issues, to spread God’s word and educate others on the preservation of life. Let us not forget about those who cannot speak for themselves and whose lives are in danger of being cut short. Let us go, from now on, determined to learn more about God and spread word of His glory, honoring and praising him in all things.”
And Pastor’s Jorgensen’s message:
“This morning we take the time to declare our belief in what the Bible teaches about the sanctity of life in all its stages and we accept our responsibility to stand up to defend the unborn. It takes only a moment to know what the Bible teaches about the unborn. In Psalm 139 the psalmist makes it clear that it is God who forms life in the womb and thus it is only God who can create life and it is His only to take away. In the gospel of Luke John the Baptist leaps in his mother’s womb because he is in the presence of Jesus who is also in his mother’s womb. This exchange clearly shows how the eternal spirits of both persons were present while they were in their mother’s wombs. Jeremiah confirms this very truth when he describes that he also knew God while he was in his mother’s womb. These examples prove that the Bible treats that children in the womb have obvious personhood and not something else. Thus, all laws within Holy Scripture that condemn killing clearly apply to the unborn. This is why the strategy of the devil has been to deny the personhood of the unborn in order to disregard those laws as non-applicable. Again, we have another example of the devil asking as he did to Eve, “Did God really say…?” We are to answer, “Yes, He did say!” Like Jesus, we are to care for the least among us and there are no persons more vulnerable, more weak, than the unborn. May God raise up a generation that repents of the sin of abortion!“